Josefa – All of us, migrant(s)

Josefa Foundation. Since 2011, the Josefa Charitable Foundation endeavours to share its vision “All of us, migrant(s)”

The foundation strives to make it clear that it is not sustainable to divide our human citizenship between the “non-migrants” and the “migrants” and to make it known that we are “All of us, migrant(s)”, to varying degrees and according to our respective uniqueness.

Our migrations are the foundation and keystone of our humanity: yesterday, today and tomorrow, we have been, we are and we will always be migrants.

Because the human being is by nature a migrant being.

Our migrations are to be understood according to a global approach: physical, psycho-intellectual and spiritual; without reducing them to the only spatio-temporal or climatic dimensions, nor limiting them to a socio-economic integration.

Every human being is unique and, correspondingly, every migration is unique.

Our migrations affect every human being and the whole human being.

“Being-migrant” is an essential component of our Humanity.

Josefa House. Since 2015, around 100 co-residents, migrants from around the world, have stayed at the Josefa House in Brussels.

Since 2018, as the renovation work develops, Josefa House has been experiencing its own migration. In the coming weeks, the Josefa House will host 32 residents, and new events: exhibitions, concerts, workshops and regular times of meditation.

Those who would like to benefit from the hospitality of the Josefa House, personally or as part of an organisation, are invited to contact the Josefa Foundation.

Various opportunities are available:

  • Living in the caretaker’s lodge: for a single person or for a couple who will be asked to participate in the management and life of the Josefa House.
  • Managing the psychocultural space.
  • Residency in the art space.
  • Using the cultural space.
  • Meditation time, alone or in a group, in the appropriate space.
  • Using an office: for an organization whose vision is similar to Josefa’s.
  • Living in one of the residences.

Josefa – Invitation

Political & theological groups. Josefa proposes a monthly group discussion so that all voices, unique to each individual, have a platform to be heard.

Academia Josefa. Launched in 2019, Academia Josefa offers various authors the chance to write about their migrations in various languages: science, economics & politics, arts & culture, philosophy & theology.

Josefa II – Migrant Habitat

After having shared, since 2011, its vision “All of us, migrant(s)” and, since 2015, having set up the Josefa House, in 2020, the Josefa Foundation launched its initiative “Migrant Habitat”. It’s about reflecting upon our various cultures and modes of habitat. By this, the habitat is no longer “static” or simply functional but, dynamic, understood as a way, in itself, of being in the world: migrant.

The challenge is to develop, individually or collectively, these two living entities that are my migrant-being (as a living being) and a migrant habitat that would inhabit me, temporarily or permanently, depending on their own relationship between movement and rest.

Thus, for Josefa, our migrations are at the heart of our human condition, at the heart of our human history. They enlighten our societies and tell the MEANING of our humanity in progress.

This is the invitation of the Josefa House, the face of the Josefa Foundation, which opens its doors to us, freeing itself from predefined migration routes, but without denying the memory of our origins or traditions. For Josefa, the time has come to convert our perception of our migrations.

We look forward to welcoming you to Josefa.

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